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Corner of HWY 62 N, the bus stop on Millennium, in front of St Louis Restaurant. Near Walmart (274 Millennium Pkwy, Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5), Millennium Parkway Bus Stop.
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Bus Parcel - Canada Belleville Parada de autobús Imágenes

Belleville Parada de autobús PageBlocks.web.contentComponents.stationImages.outsideVisionFromStreet
Visión exterior desde la calle - Belleville Parada de autobús
Belleville G.busStation G.mapScreenshot
Posición en el mapa Belleville Parada de autobús

Destinations To Send Package From Belleville

With Bus Parcel - Canada, you can send parcel to 10 locations from Belleville by Bus. You can find the list of the package delivery destinations below.
Click any of the links below and book your package shipment from Belleville to your destination city.
Parcel pickup location at Belleville Millennium Parkway Bus Stop (in front of St Louis Restaurant), Belleville, Ontario, Canada, K8N 4Z5
Corner of HWY 62 N, the bus stop on Millennium, in front of St Louis Restaurant. Near Walmart (274 Millennium Pkwy, Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5), Millennium Parkway Bus Stop.
CoordinatesLat: 44.196060 Lon: -77.399042
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